Kenya is made of more than 43 tribes, speaking diffrent languages and directs. for me i believe being in a tribe makes us stronger and brings togetherness. imagine you are thrown in a planet where its only you who have diffrent believes from others, it could be ackward right? but being a Luo, kikuyu or any other tribe made you who you are.
a maasai woman who have been born localy and achieves good educaton and status main goal is to help ohers to get out of old and barbaric culture like FGM, she does not need to fight the tribe but the value the tribe stands for. tribe makes culture stand imagine all those comedians on churchil who makes jokes on their tribes and we all laugh at them because they are funny, without tribes it could be just that.
diversity in tribes makes kenya to be kenya, for me am proud of my tribe but never think your tribe is superior than others because your you not kikuyu.
we are brothers and sisters we study together work together and party as Kenya.
so we are all tribe Kenya maintain peace during this election.
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